[187 Churches] vs. The Trustees of the North Georgia's Conference of the United Methodist Church (March 30, 2023)
Location: Superior Court of COBB COUNTY State of Georgia
The plaintiffs argue that the North Georgia Conference threatens to take away their property and “destroy these religious congregations and deprive them of their property rights.” (Page 9 of the Brief) The court stated if a Book of Discipline the local church can control and move property, and the United Methodist Church is in direct conflict there are no means of reconciliation the conflict. The article says that “Methodism’s founder John Wesley instituted the church’s first trust clause, which The United Methodist Church and its predecessors have maintained since the 18th century.” This clause states that all church property is held onto by the church denomination, which has been the methodist tradition for centuries. However, the large exodus of churches away from Methodist denomination is straining the tradition -- which may prove to favor the individual churches. Therefore, the Court will need to resolve this matter. This case could be won for either party.
The methodist denomination has many churches leaving. Because of their tradition and trust clauses, the individual church property is owned by the denomination.
Georgia Methodist churches are suing to acquire the property rights to the churches they have operated, so they can continue to operate without the denomination.
Pastors and church administration across America are impacted by this ruling, whether directly as a member of the methodist denomination or indirectly by a system of governance that operates like the methodist church (e.i. The Church of God denomination)